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Join us!

We are always looking for people to join as singers, staff and volunteers for our different events.

We are actively looking for some positions. Check it below!

Choral Co-Director

Incantatem Singers is an auditioned 24-voice acapella chorus with beat boxer.  We are passionate about all things geeky and sing music from our fandoms such as fantasy, video games, anime, sci-fi, TV, movies and more. We arrange our music in-house and sing in 4 to 8 parts, mixed voices. The musical styles are as eclectic as the subject matter. We prepare a signature concert, often including dramatic elements, every 6–12 months and do other gigs such as ComicCon, MCA Gather. Rehearsals are Monday evenings, 7-9 p.m., September through June.


All responsibilities of this position will be shared with the current musical director, giving both persons  flexibility and shared responsibility.  These include: planning and leading rehearsals, auditioning new members and soloists, vetting and editing arrangements, and some one-on-one coaching. 


Rehearsals are led by the directors from the piano so some skills in that regard are necessary.  A good theoretical background will help with the arranging aspect. The directors continually aim to help the members develop their skills (rhythm, sight reading, vocal production, musicality) while at the same time having fun!  We have a great sense of community and choir members carry out a variety of volunteer roles. The director role comes with a small honorarium.

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